
Thing Reminder 2

Reconstructed version in the works. More info will come later.

File Assembler 1.00

File Assembler picture

File Assembler is a simple file list assembler which makes a file name list of desired directory content. You could, for example, make a list of your photos or other documents, and save the results as a text file. You can customize the assembling process like clip some parts of file names or strip off extensions. Here are some functions of this application:

System requirements: Windows 95

Download File Assembler 1.00 (63 kB)

Presenter's Tool 1.00

Presenter's Tool picture

This is a computer program for presenters like students, teachers or representatives of a company. It has many features to aid presentations:

System requirements: Microsoft .NET 2 (Windows 98)

Download Presenter's Tool 1.00 (24 kB)